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Placement Service

Our Placement Service streamlines your recruitment process
by providing skilled candidates who meet your organization's
correctness needs. With our efficient Candidate Vetting system,
we save your time and reduce hiring risks, ensuring a swift and
effective selection of top talent.

services services

Our expert consultants offer strategic consulting, tailoring
recruitment strategies to your specific goals. With over 25 years
of experience, we guarantee quality and cost-effective permanent
staffing solutions, saving you time and resources.

Workflow Hiring Process

Job Posting Publish

Job openings with detailed descriptions and qualifications required for each position.

Interview Scheduling Coordinate

Interview times, locations, and formats
between applicants and the company.
Notify candidates and provide interview details.

Employee Onboarding

Facilitate the onboarding of new employees,
monitor their satisfaction, and maintain positive
relationships to ensure long-term retention
of qualified candidates.

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Resume Screening

Evaluate submitted resumes for suitable skills, qualifications, and candidate profiles during the initial screening or Resume Screening process.

Notifying Successful Candidates

Inform applicants who have passed the final interview, providing details about salary, benefits, start date, and other relevant information.

Workflow recruit service

Job Posting Publish

Job openings with detailed descriptions and qualifications required for each position

Resume Screening

Evaluate submitted resumes for suitable skills, qualifications, and candidate profiles during the initial screening or Resume Screening process.

Interview Scheduling Coordinate

Interview times, locations, and formats between applicants and the company. Notify candidates and provide interview details.

Notifying Successful Candidates

Inform applicants who have passed the final interview, providing details about salary, benefits, start date, and other relevant information.

Employee Onboarding

Facilitate the onboarding of new employees, monitor their satisfaction, and maintain positive relationships to ensure long-term retention of qualified candidates.

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